Does this sound familiar?


You really want to change the school system to be more inclusive. 

You and your committee put in hard work on the school's latest vision and strategic plan, focusing on equity, diversity, and inclusion. 

You felt ready to hit the ground running.

You thought everyone was finally on the same page and you could lead your staff and colleagues to live up to the slogans on your website and school letterhead. 

But instead…you spend most days teaching, preaching, and explaining yourself to colleagues about inclusion.  

Every day…you’re surprised that as a group…you all still have very different understandings, perceptions, and attitudes about inclusive education?

Worse yet, you see students being pulled out for therapy, into resource rooms, and placed in classrooms for students with disability labels. 

You cringe internally.

And you can’t figure out why fellow administrators don’t understand or seem to feel the same way.

You KNOW there is a better way to teach and reach all students together– if only you could get your entire team on the same page. You feel like you are in a 1970s time warp and are overwhelmed by the resistance coming at you from all directions…the school board, educators, but most surprisingly other leaders!!!


Well it is possible…

There are ways to change the mindset, heartset, and skillset of your team…to make your dream of inclusion a reality. 

There are ways to move the district away from out-dated segregated practices that limit the possibilities for so many students. 

Start by picturing in your mind and feeling in your heart, what that school would look like, sound like, and feel like. We would say close your eyes, but that would make it hard to read…so keep your eyes open, and your heart open, and imagine with us.

Imagine if EVERY leader
in your district…

  • Operated under the same definition of inclusive education – no more ability grouping, self-contained programs, or life skills programs
  • Knew how to overcome resistant mindsets – no more barriers, prioritizing staff comfort, and conceding to pressures to keep things the way they’ve always been
  • Valued all voices and moved in an inclusive direction – no more silos, divisions, and my kids vs. your kids
  • Understood how to support ALL staff to design and deliver inclusive lessons –  no more separate places and spaces to provide support to some students


Introducing Leadership-Bytes – the solution to your professional development needs around creating inclusive schools! 

At the heart of Leadership-Bytes is the belief that students with disabilities have the right to be educated thoughtfully in general education classrooms with meaningful access to general education content and full engagement with peers.

Leadership-Byte content is deeply supported in the U.S. Federal law, scholarly research on the academic, social, and behavioral benefits of inclusive education, and most importantly, the lived experiences of disabled people.

But it goes beyond theories and beliefs. Leadership-Bytes evolved from our combined 100,000 hours of designing and delivering professional development and helping schools become inclusive through teaching school leaders. 

We have taken the most powerful practices from what we learned as researchers, professors, and professional development providers, and culled it, organized it, and boiled it down to the essential ingredients, and created this invaluable PD offering.

let us guess..

You’ve put together inclusion focus groups and now realize that many of the leaders don’t believe in inclusion. 

You had an extensive equity audit to help push staff toward inclusion, but the report just sits there collecting dust. 

Students with disabilities continue to be your lowest performing group on district achievement measures.

You’ve accessed your local technical assistance, but haven’t seen the inclusion needle move or outcomes for students improve. 

    And it doesn’t stop there…you have…

    • Staff asking for more paraprofessionals to “make inclusion work”.
    • A few parents seeking or threatening to seek litigation about inclusion
    • Teachers continue to ask for more resource rooms,and planning time. 
    • School board members asking you to reduce the budget and not say the word “inclusion”.

    And leading inclusion is only a fraction of your entire work load. You are exhausted! You feel like you’ve wasted time, effort, and money trying to get the district to become inclusive…and nothing has worked.

    What would it be WORTH TO YOU to have…

    • All of your leaders embracing inclusion, celebrating uniqueness and ALL students are on a path to success
    • Educators feeling respected, supported, and prepared to reach and teach all learners
    • Improved achievement of students with disabilities and those without
    • Access to world-recognized inclusion experts who have a proven record of creating true change in school systems  
    • Your inbox is full of love and appreciation from colleagues after diving into the Leadership-Bytes

    the best investment

    Inclusion-Bytes is available for district-wide and program-wide licenses.




    Leadership-bytes are…

    Leadership-Bytes is a comprehensive transformative on-demand professional development series just for school leaders including, special education or curriculum directors, superintendents, principals, coordinators, teacher leaders, coaches, and inclusion facilitators–really…anyone who is leading this very important work!

    As world renowned inclusion experts, we co-teach each of the Bytes, which consists of 10 powerful videos. We include supporting resources that cover all of the evidence-based practices necessary to create inclusive schools and classrooms.

    Here are just a few of the Bytes included and how they can help:

    How to Know if your School is Inclusive
    (or Not)

    Description: In this Leadership-Byte gauge your school's inclusivity through focused questions and uncover 7 key milestones on the path to inclusion with actionable advice and resources. Packed with practical insights, this byte empowers you to share transformative tools directly with educators, culminating in a realization—perhaps it's time for everyone to view education through a new lens.

    Description: In this Leadership Byte learn the art of steering your team through complex change, unraveling the mysteries of inclusive education with practical insights. Discover the human side of resistance to change and ride the wave of transformation using our inclusive change cycle. Brace yourself for strategies that not only support but elevate your staff.

    Thriving in Transition: Empowering Staff during the Change Process 

    Designing Inclusion- Realigning Service Delivery and Collaborative Staffing Models 

    Description: In this Leadership-Byte we will explore all of the structural changes needed to create an inclusive school system. Additionally we will talk through visual maps of school systems that have made these changes and their impressive student results. Lastly, we will help with common barriers to inclusion.

    Leadership Bytes are comprehensive starting with the foundations of inclusive leadership and moving to leading your staff to implement effective strategies for diverse learners.  They are flexible, leaders can go at their own place or, you can all work together during leadership meetings. They are transformative, each Byte will produce real and big changes in your schools. These Bytes are evidence based, developed based upon our work with 1000s of districts all over the United States. The Bytes were also developed based upon the 40+ research articles we’ve authored on systems change, adult learning principles, and inclusive education. They are engaging and practical providing hundreds of specific and clear action steps to take.

    What you get

    We know that effective PD must be practical, designed by experts, differentiated, provide just in time solutions, and allow leaders the opportunity to tap into their lived experiences and seek solutions in real time.

    We also know in a content heavy and fast-paced world, busy administrators need respectful PD targeting the issues they face, allowing them to put things into practice immediately, and giving them feasible solutions.

    Here’s What You Get:

    • 10 comprehensive and on-demand Leadership-Bytes co-taught by Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak and Dr. Julie Causton
    • The Bytes include videos with closed captioning that total over 7 hours of transformative and evidence-based PD – and it’s broken down into ‘easy to watch’ segments
    • Each video comes with Key PPTs and downloadable handouts
    • Embedded application and reflection segments to ensure alignment and sustainability
    • Customized district content hub that is password protected

    Table of contents

    Introducing Leadership-Bytes

    Description: In this introductory Leadership-Byte we delve into the essence of Leadership Bytes, a concept derived from our bestselling book “The Way to Inclusion: How Leaders Create Schools Where Every Student Belongs.” This framework explores the who, what, and why of leadership bytes, demonstrating the core principles that guide inclusive leadership. This byte includes a discussion of our own “why,” and we provide a concise yet comprehensive overview of the components of each Byte.

    Length: 21:34

    #1 Beyond Boundaries: Navigating Inclusive Education and System Change

    Description: In this Leadership-Byte we unveil a compelling definition of inclusive education that serves as our compass as we navigate the transformative path of systems change. We also introduce you to the essential structural and instructional components for sculpting a new inclusive education model of education. Prepare for a delightful revelation as we draw unexpected parallels between inclusion and beer.

    Length: 32:00

    #2 How to Know if your School is Inclusive (or Not)

    Description: In this Leadership-Byte gauge your school's inclusivity through focused questions and uncover 7 key milestones on the path to inclusion with actionable advice and resources. Packed with practical insights, this byte empowers you to share transformative tools directly with educators, culminating in a realization—perhaps it's time for everyone to view education through a new lens.

    Length: 37:00

    #3 Leading with Clarity: The School Leader’s Role in Cultivating an Understanding of Why • Parts 1 & 2

    Description: In this Leadership-Byte we talk mindsets, heartsets, and skillsets…Oh my! At first it may feel a bit overwhelming when you think of all that needs to change in your school system for inclusion to become a reality. However, taking it one “byte” at a time, you’ll gain clarity about common ways of thinking (or mindsets) that are up to leaders like you to shift. Learn how leaders can navigate mindset changes, nurture compassionate heartsets, and fine-tune essential skillsets.

    Part 1 – 22:11
    Part 2 – 25:46

    #4 Ensuring Staff Feel Seen • Parts 1 & 2

    Description: Delve into the essence of making staff feel truly seen with this Leadership Byte. Learn the art of supporting teachers through moments of big emotions, cultivating an empathetic environment. Uncover the concept of “Shark Music” and its impact on staff well-being, providing a unique perspective on emotional awareness. Explore the dynamic interplay of power, identity, and coping strategies, empowering leaders to create an atmosphere where every staff member's voice is valued. Elevate your leadership journey by mastering the skills to foster genuine connection within your educational community.

    Part 1 – 19:48

    Part 2 – 20:48

    #5 Offering Lifelines When Staff Are Overboard

    Description: Discover the art of providing lifelines to your staff with this impactful and practical Leadership Byte. Navigate the intricacies of guiding individuals beyond the danger zone, offering strategies to promote resilience and well-being. Explore the science of soothing neurological systems, creating a foundation for a supportive work environment. Learn the essential lifelines to provide, tailored to empower and uplift your team during challenging times. Uncover the keys to triggering the “Yes Brain” and activating the positive emotional attractor (PEA), fostering a culture of optimism and resilience within your educational community.

    Length: 29:33

    #6 Creating School Systems That Are Safe Harbors

    Description: Explore the art of change-making in school systems, focusing on strategies to help educators embrace change. Dive into the crucial realm of neurological safety and discover its pivotal role in fostering a supportive educational environment. This Leadership Byte delves into the hands-on approach of leaders, offering insights on stressor reduction and providing neurologically sound support systems for teachers. Elevate your leadership skills and champion inclusive education through practical guidance tailored for transformative impact.

    Length: 42:25

    #7 Thriving in Transition: Empowering Staff during the Change Process • Parts 1 & 2

    Description: In this Leadership Byte learn the art of steering your team through complex change, unraveling the mysteries of inclusive education with practical insights. Discover the human side of resistance to change and ride the wave of transformation using our inclusive change cycle. Brace yourself for strategies that not only support but elevate your staff. Oh, and did we mention horses and butterflies? Saddle up for a riveting exploration and get ready to take flight!

    Part 1 – 33:20
    Part 2 – 26:00

    #8 Leadership EQ and The Unexpected Active Ingredient to Igniting Change

    Description: Embark on a transformative journey into the heart of leadership– emotional intelligence (EQ) with this insightful Leadership Byte. Explore the unexpected active ingredient that sparks meaningful change within educational settings. Uncover the power of EQ in navigating challenges, fostering collaboration, and inspiring teams to new heights.

    Length: 25:43

    #9 Designing Inclusion: Realigning Service Delivery and Collaborative Staffing Models

    Description: In this Leadership-Byte we will explore all of the structural changes needed to create an inclusive school system. Additionally we will talk through visual maps of school systems that have made these changes and their impressive student results. Lastly, we will help with common barriers to inclusion.

    Length: 34:20

    #10 Achieving Lasting Impact: Learning, Supporting, Celebrating, and Sustaining Momentum • Parts 1 & 2

    Description: Uncover the secrets of effective Professional Development (PD), exploring what truly makes it impactful and how to carve out time for continuous growth. Navigate the tiered PD approach, tailoring learning experiences for maximum effectiveness. This Byte includes information about the core needs of adults for ongoing support and how to provide a sense of autonomy. Learn the art of celebration and sustaining positive momentum as you explore strategies for personal sustainability, which includes setting boundaries. Build on strengths and design a future of leadership that is resilient, impactful, and enduring.

    Part 1 – 27:33
    Part 2 – 23:34

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    Our Story

    We, Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak and Dr. Julie Causton (Kristie and Julie), have dedicated our lives to studying and reimagining special education, to teaching administrators and educators HOW to create inclusive schools, and to finding the essential ingredients that make a school inclusive. 

    We design and deliver on-line professional development that transforms schools, yes even yours, into wildly inclusive places and spaces.

    These Leadership-Bytes are built around our ASCD book –
    The Way to Inclusion: How Leaders Create Schools Where Every Student Belongs.

    The Way to Inclusion is filled with research, practical resources and tools, and advice from leaders. This book will take you step-by-step through the inclusive change process— from crafting your inclusive vision to reimagining the roles of existing staff and everything in between. 

    The book outlines seven defined milestones in an Inclusive System Change Path, including key leadership questions, action steps, and skills to help you develop the inclusive school system that you desire and your students deserve.

    The Way to Inclusion is a comprehensive and practical guide for leadership teams working toward systems-level inclusive change. This book provides research to address the why of inclusion alongside steps and strategies that explain how.

    Danielle Nahorney, Director of Academic Services and Accountability, Baldwinsville Central School District, New York

    GET leadership-BYTES


    Limited Time EXCLUSIVE BONUS!

    If you act now, you can add more transformative PD for your colleagues and staff with full access to our Legal-Bytes On-Demand (valued at $4.5K).

    Legal Bytes On-Demand PD is a series of legal education taught by Pat Radel Esq. In the recordings, Pat debunks common special education myths and answers common special education legal questions pertaining to inclusive education. 

    GET leadership-BYTES


    Satisfaction guarantee

    We don't just promise satisfaction—we guarantee results! If you struggle in any way to roll Leadership-Bytes out, we’ll meet with you and your team for 1 hour to problem-solve and engage in exploring possibilities…for free. We're that confident in our solution.

    You can also invest risk-free because our commitment to quality lasts a lifetime and we’ll make sure the content remains accessible to your staff for a lifetime. Check out our terms here.

    Lastly, we're so sure you'll love Leadereship-Bytes that it comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you're not delighted with your purchase, simply return it for a full refund—no questions asked.

    Here is exactly what happens after you purchase…

    1. You will receive an immediate email offering congratulations on your wise and life-changing PD. 
    2. Upon investing in a district-wide license, you get immediate access to a customized and password protected dashboard. This dashboard serves as the online content hub for all videos, supplemental resources, instructional materials, and handouts. The dashboard provides you and your team with a one-stop place to access at their own pace and on their own schedule, or in alignment with the schedule you put forth.

     And don’t worry, we will be an email away if you have any questions at all.

    Who's Right for

    Leadership-Bytes are for you, if you…

      • Have leaders with varying levels of understanding or willingness to learn about inclusive education
      • Have outdated special education classrooms and programs
      • Dream of a school where every student belongs
      • Have a large discrepancy in the academic performance for students with disabilities
      • See staff using pull-out and resource rooms to service special education students
      • Respect the time and energy of your colleagues

    WIll you continue to lead a system where each leader is leading in a different direction? Or will you courageously lead this work because you know it will change the lives of your students and — eventually leave a legacy of inclusion behind?

    GET leadership-BYTES