PD for PD Providers: 

Designing and Delivering Inclusive

Virtual Professional Development

Hosted by Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak and Dr. Julie Causton

Designing and Delivering Inclusive Virtual Professional Development

From classes to conferences, we’ve got you covered. This series will demonstrate how to set significant learning outcomes, give your video-conferencing a makeover, and increase engagement from staff meetings to day-long events. The ZOOM app will be the focus of demonstrations, with opportunities to practice new technology skills along the way.

Kristie Pretti-Frontczak Ph.D.

Julie Causton Ph.D.

Order the on-demand series today…and get immediate access to all our tips, tools, and solutions for teaching virtually.

Big Ideas by Session

In every session we will model innovative ways to “set the stage” for learner engagement and success. We also share effective and easy to implement tips and techniques and there will be opportunities for discussion and networking with other PD providers. You’ll leave each session with tons of resources designed to transform “old-fashioned” ways of designing and delivering professional development.


Session 1

Designing Engaging and Inclusive Content

  • Get it right from the start –  learn how to set learning meaningful outcomes, pick your throughline, and select just the right number of big ideas

  • Create a groovy flow – learn how to create a schedule that flows seamlessly from sages on the stage, to small group interactions, to time to move around, and even to time for a well-placed nap

  • Get connected – learn how to connect with participants, connect participants with one another, and connect participants with compelling content 

  • Meet the needs of diverse humans – learn how to support participants regardless of their ability, race, age, gender, etc., using multiple means of representation (e.g., show it, say it, feel it)


Session 2

Discovering HOW to Make Virtual Learning Wildly Effective

  • Prepare for success – learn how to help participants prepare for the virtual session and get the most out your time together
  • From start to finish – learn how to open and close virtual sessions that address key outcomes, increase learning, and keep neurons firing
  • Harness the power of choice – learn why humans love choice and how to embed choice everywhere…from where they learn, when they learn, who they learn with, what they learn, to how they show you what they have learned
  • Create a safe harbor – learn how to help participants feel safe, seen, soothed, and secure so they can remain in the zone of optimal learning


Session 3

Delivering virtual PD (Re-designing Your PD) Using Innovative Technology

  • Learning is social – learn how to use technology to facilitate and support change in a social age so everyone has a voice
  • Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match! – learn how to align your outcomes with tons of web-based tools to ensure intentional alignment over doing what is “on trend”
  • Give your lesson a makeover – learn how to redesign virtual sessions by creating multiple access points and different avenues for learning 
  • Tech traps are everywhere – learn from our mistakes and swipe our strategies so you can avoid common pitfalls when teaching online

Session 4

Delivering PD Like a Boss


  • Co-teachers rock – learn how to apply highly effective co-teaching practices…even when participants serve the role of the co-teacher
  • Lead by example – learn how to limit and reduce microaggressions…and repair when harm has occurred
  • Make it easy – learn how to handle difficult situations in a supportive way when learning together in a virtual space
  • Fill your toolkit – learn our behind-the-scenes “tricks of the trade” that will ensure you deliver PD like a boss…someone who sets clear expectations, establishes relational trust, and creates a strong sense of community

Order the on-demand series today…and get immediate access to all our tips, tools, and solutions for teaching virtually.

What's Included in the on-demand series?

  • Four on-demand recorded sessions (75 minutes per session) with Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak and Dr. Julie Causton. Each session is shared as a video and audio only file.

  • Session-by-session recaps of the Big Ideas covered (audio and transcript files)

  • Lifetime access to a web-based dashboard with real-life examples and tons of research-based resources.

  • Lifetime access to a Padlet with 100s of resources, tips, and practical strategies

  • Lifetime access to a handbook with FAQs and more solutions!


Want a sneak peek? Here's the graphic record and an audio recording from Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak with a recap of Session Big Ideas!

Big Ideas - Session 1

by with Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak