Dr. Julie Causton

Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak

Back to School Kickoff Event with Dr. Julie Causton

Resources for the Event (click to open)

Co-Teaching Resources

  • Multi-sensory options [png]
  • 5 minute problem-solving [png]
  • Co-Teaching models [pdf]

Download our Back to School Supply List here

  • Triggering the PEA [blog]
  • Moving from problems to possibilities [blog
  • Extending the Green Zone for Adults [blog]
  • Extending the Green Zone for Children [blog]

Supports Resources

  • Webinar on the 4 S’s [link to register for free] [link to request handouts] – PPT slides
  • Harnessing the Power of Showing Up [podcast]
  • How to Apply the Four S's to Autism for Secure Attachments [podcast]
  • The 4 S's Infographics for serving children [pdf]
  • Hand model of the brain [video]
  • Teach Before the Peak [png]

Technology Skills Resources

  • Give your ZOOM room a makeover [pdf]
  • Match your “what” with your how [pdf]
  • Comparison of different video-conferencing systems by outcome [pdf]
  • Lifelines infographic [jpg]

Choices Resources

  • List of movements for all ages [pdf] [Facebook live broadcast]
  • For those delivering PD [blog]

Shared Responsibility Resources

Gratitude Resources

  • The Inspired Educator [link]
  • Gratitude Revealed [video]

Fun Resources

  • Fun Theory [video]
  • The Inspired Educator: 21 days to happier, more engaged, and more connected classrooms [individual purchase] [bulk purchase]

Definition of Inclusion Handout [pdf]

Research on inclusion [link]

Winnie the Pooh video and PPT (see description section of the video)

Superpowers Quiz

Inclusion Quotient Handout [pdf]



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