2017 Writing Meaningful IEPs Deep Dive Master Class Dashboard

Writing Meaningful IEPs

Deep Dive Master Class

Think of the dashboard as your home base as well as “library” for all digital files related to your Deep Dive Master Class. The dashboard will also house session audio files and notes.

The dashboard is not interactive, therefore, if you have questions, want to share a resource, or are looking for “tribe” support, please use our FaceBook group.

Click here to edit your profile for this site.

Session-by-Session Resources
Session 1 IEP worthy goals

  • Optional Flipped Learning Activity
    • Review the IEP Makeover Tips and Tools eBook and/or watch this video about a proven formula for writing IEPs from the Pre-K Teach & Play IEP toolkit.
    • Identify from the eBook, the video, or real-life, an example of an IEP goal statement that you like, that confuses you, and/or that you aren't a fan of. Be ready to share your examples during the Zoom call on October 16th.
  • Download and use this planning form as you see fit (before, during, and after each session).
  • Recorded audio of Session 1 [audio]
  • Resources on developmental sequences and “what comes before”
    •  If I had a Crystal Ball [blog]
    • 10 Things You Should Know About Early Development [blog]
    • What Would Sherlock Do [podcast]
    • What Comes Before Counting [podcast] (Loretta – maybe start here)
    • Recall as a learning progression [pdf] (Loretta)
  • K-Readiness resources and changing mindsets
    • Free Pre-K Teach & Play K-Readiness Toolkit [link]
    • YEC article on readiness mistakes and remedies [pdf]
    • What It Means To “Hear Shark Music” And What To Do About It! [blog]
    • Professional Development that Gets to a Change in Practice [blog]
    • PD eBook with over 60 tips and tools for getting to a change in practice [link to request eBook]
    • Can also consider taking a second Deep Dive Master Class (starts on October 28th) and is about teaching adult learners and getting to a change in practice
  • Four Filters [pdf]
    • My online IEP course unpacks the four filters in one of 12 lessons
  • Zig Zag Process [pdf]
    • Description of the seven developmental progressions [podcast]
    • My online IEP course also unpacks the zig zag process in one of 12 lessons
  • Can Do Planning Strategy [pdf]
    • Available for free as a printable in the Pre-K shop [link]
    • Described at length is this short recording [audio]

Session 2 Difference, delay, or disability

  • Optional Flipped Learning Activity
    • Listen/read this Pre-K Teach & Play podcast about “what children really need” and take time to journal and/or reflect on any of the following prompts:
      • Have you thought about wants and needs as different before?
      • Can you tell the difference between a want and a need?
      • How does knowing the difference serve you in identifying meaningful IEP goals?
    • Review the handout titled “Disability, Delay, Disorder, Difference” and take time to journal and/or post to FB how confident you are in knowing the difference. If you feel confident, why and how much do you rely upon test results? If you don't feel confident, are you sure the etiology or “truth” really matters?
  • Recorded audio for session 2 [audio]
  • Resources
    • 9 functions of the prefrontal cortex (download from podcast 24) [pdf]

Session 3 Identifying accurate criteria

  • Optional Flipped Learning Activity
    • Read this blog and explore any of the hyperlinked references/resources and take time to journal and/or reflect on any of the following prompts:
      • Do you see a difference between the phrase progress and performance?
      • Where are you, your team, your agency, and/or even state getting stuck when it comes to measuring children's performance on IEP goals and/or their response to intervention?
      • What ways can we think more broadly about a child's performance other than using criteria such as 3/4 trials?
    • Read chapter on performance monitoring from our text, “Assessing Young Children in Inclusive Settings: The Blended Practices Approach. (this chapter is also hyperlinked in the performance vs. progress blog)
    • Listen to this audio recording with information about three types of sequences [audio]
  • Recorded audio for session 3 [audio]
  • Resources from session 3
    • Dimensions of Behavior Unpacked [pdf]
    • AEPS
      • See above if you haven't before, regarding the audio (soon to be Podcast 26) about the different types of sequences.
      • PPT slides with examples from the AEPS of the two types of sequences [pdf]
      • CODRF with criteria [pdf]
    • “Every Child is a Triangle” (diamond analogy)
      • Podcast [link]
      • Training video (also part of the flipped learning in Module 1 of the online course [video]
    • Alignments between the AEPS and State Standards
      • Brookes Publishing's alignment links (CO, TX, and IA included) [link]
      • OSEP outcome alignment/crosswalk [pdf]

Session 4 What to do when children struggle

All participants also receive access to my full Pre-K Teach & Play IEP Toolkit, which is an ECE Solutionary Member's Only resources. Note, some of you have these resources because you have the free version of the toolkit or they have been previously shared in our master class.

  • Basic training video [YouTube]
  • “Four Filters” printable [pdf]
  • Can Do Planning printable [pdf]
  • Zigzag printable [pdf]
  • IEP Samples: A Google DRIVE document with sample IEP goals/objectives for preschoolers [DRIVE]
  • Revised Goals and Objectives Rating Instrument [pdf]
  • Dimensions of Behavior Unpacked [pdf]
  • Tutorial on how to use the Can Do Planning form to identify priorities when developing IEPs [mp3]
  • Disability – Delay – Disorder Guide [pdf]
  • Free eBook – IEP Makeover Tips and Tools [pdf]

Other Recommended Resources on Writing IEPs: