Cohort 6: Mastermind Dashboard
Think of the dashboard as your home base as well as “library” for all digital files related to the Mastermind experience. The dashboard will also house session audio files and notes. The dashboard is not interactive, therefore, if you have questions, want to share a resource, or are looking for “tribe” support, please use our FaceBook group.
Click here to edit your profile for this site.
Mastermind Journey Survey [link]
Archived Files
- Digital version of your Mastermind Guidebook [pdf]
- Members Only eBook [pdf]
- Mastermind pledge [pdf]
- Optional Hot Seat Note Taking From [pdf]
- Session 6 Scaffolding Success Activity [pdf]
Session Notes, ZOOM Audio Recordings, and Action Steps
Session Resources
Session 1
- Single page excerpt from, “The Complete Guide to Mindful Habits“
- Woop Chapter and Know What Matters Chapter from “How to Live a Good Life“
- Immunity to Change: Four critical steps for overcoming emotional pitfalls and arriving at true transformation by Kegan and Lahey
- If you ever need tech support, here is how to reach Ashley Lyons.
- Click here to access the Superpowers Self-Assessment
- Blog about setting professional and personal policies [blog link]
Resources/Topics shared during Session 1
- 10% happier app [link]
- Pealing the onion protocol [pdf]
- Guiding IEP Teams on Meeting the Least Restrictive Environment Mandate [pdf]
- School Reform Initiative [link]
Action Steps from Session 1 [audio recording]
- Danielle: Reflect on session 1 resources; look over guidelines for asking honest open questions; make space for current rituals; think about own hot seat question.
- Missy: Look at resources and guidelines for asking questions; be ok with making mistakes; identify hot seat question/priority.
- Leslie: Post to FB (check); generate a graphic organizer for how to ask honest open questions; Generate a bulleted list of questions for hot seat; schedule time outside of Mastermind sessions.
- Karen: Continue with gratitude journal to see things that you are grateful for and not focus only on fixing; Read “What Matters” chapter and get clarity around values.
Session 2
Link to audio recording [audio]
Resources shared:
- Ted Talk – Assembly of the Child [link]
- CO resource on inclusion [link]
- Feedback and more ideas for asking honest open questions
“It can be tempting to ask a question that’s actually a suggestion: basically anything that begins with the words, “Have you tried…”“Asking honest, open questions means focusing on the present tense, rather than the past: “Where are you now,” rather than questions about the past, intended merely to satiate your curiosity.”Few other ideas:
- Keep questions short (e.g., What was easy? What was difficult? What surprised you? What did you learn?)
- Invite self-exploration (e.g., Tell me what assumptions and trade-offs you made to get there?)
- Invite vs. lead (e.g., Could you say more about what that means to you?)
- Watch the pacing of questions to allow for silence between the last answer and the next question. Questions that come too fast may feel aggressive, cutting off the deep reflection that can help the focus person.
- Avoid questions with yes-no or right-wrong answers that can limit and block the “true self from speaking”.
These articles may also be helpful:
Action Steps:
- Danielle: Identify question for hot seat; take time to appreciate what you have and understand that without comparing, your concerns are still valid.
- Karen: Figure out hot seat topic to see what's really sticking; continue with gratitude journal.
- Missy: Focus on small successes; continue to find avenues to have shared experiences with leaders.
- Leslie: Make a list of things and map them out (what can be passed on)? Figure out who your people are and what your message is.
KPF Notes from Session 2:
Session 3
Link to audio recording [audio]
Resources Shared:
- Petra Kolber's Perfection Detox [link]
- FPG's Partnerships for Inclusion [link]
- Hammering eggs post [link]
- National PD Center on ASD [link]
Action Steps:
- Missy: Flesh out hot seat topic for session 4
- Leslie: Share more resources (check); prep for hot seat; block out time; make personal and professional lists for one touches
- Danielle: Create a road map for task force – how they are going to get “there”; Top 5 non-negotiatables and where there is flex; brainstorm how to ask the facilitators to provide more structure/more direction.
- Karen: Start asking questions about who is around the table and why as a first step.
KPF Notes from Session 3:
Session 4
Link to audio recording [audio]
Resources Shared/Discussed:
- Let's Rumble Brene Brown [blog] and other downloads from Brene's work [link]
- Designs for Living and Learning: Transforming Early Childhood Environments [Good Reads link] [excerpt TBP]
- Tidy up by Mari Kondo [website]
- Peak Performance (decision fatigue) [Good Reads link]
Action Steps:
- Danielle: Continue working on “look fors” and observation tool; Identify question for next hot seat.
- Karen: Think about “what is one less thing I could do this hour”; Think about question for hot seat; Figure questions and more about committee constitution for Friday's meeting.
- Missy: Find joy in the little steps; Take a minute to focus on what you are grateful for; Get Perfection Detox; Continue with guided meditation; post “look fors” from book.
- Leslie: Continue working on list; Share Brene Brown's question with team to decide what they wan the program to look like. Explore the metaphor of a recorded self-guided tour to think about stops along the way during an observations. Just breathe.
KPF Notes from Session 4: (TBP)
Session 5
Link to audio recording [audio]
Resources Shared/Discussed:
- Lesson from KPF's IEP online course [video]
- From Missy:
- From Karen
Action Steps:
- Missy: Keep working on step 1 of perfection detox; get ready for session 6
- Leslie: Came up with a list to get the team going; Post link for online administration certificate for administrators; get fresh ideas around authentic assessment
- Danielle: Set a beginning of the year meeting with principals (likely around in October to talk about Preschool); Be more assertive in my voice regarding concerns and supports needed from them; Decide upon a meeting format; With staff to build relationships, create ways to notice and celebrate them; Ask staff ways to support them professionally and personally; prep for session 6; deep reflection while in ID.
- Karen: Get ready for Session 6; put together deadlines for new materials; share resources on alignment; principals series on inclusion; TS GOLD/AA training link in Google Docs.
KPF Notes from Session 5:
- Danielle
- Keep considering different modes of communication with building principals – you may use one format for one purpose and a different format for a different purpose.
- Be clear with them on what you need and always find ways to be of service (but not a servant) to them.
- Be specific about goals and individualize when you can with each principal. If there is one who is ready to co-observe, start there and beta test the process so you can be clear with the others how it will work and benefit them.
- Sometimes when there is a master teacher who we use as a model, others begin to feel like they can never be like that so why bother. How can each teacher find something they are “masterful” at and share/celebrate? If there is a master teacher or two, have you formally designated them as a model classroom for the community and for the staff to see practices in action and receive support? The more formalized and explicit, the less room for rumors and hurt feelings.
- Is it clear to teachers what is a non-negotiable based upon hire and/or employment and where they can adapt and modify based upon their style and children served? This list might need to be generated with principals, with leader teachers/staff, and then co-negotiated with existing staff so they are clear of expectations. Always think about what can be removed when adding something new, what will stay the same for consistency, and what is expected with consequences (meaning to support further not punish).
- Karen
- Do you always prepare this much when creating curricula and/or resources? Is there something about the topic of IEPs that caused you to dig deep and/or to hear shark music about putting it out in the world?
- Who can be an accountability partner? Even someone outside of MDE…who can help you when you find yourself “power washing for no good reason”?
- How can you pull upon things that were successful in the past and embed them into this product? What practical pieces and parts are missing that you could start with so you know that in the end, it will be useful?
- Are you clear about your outcomes for the product? Is it trying to be too many things to too many people?
- What will role out look like and if you build in a beta test period, what would like look like? Who would be involved and what feedback would you want/need? How long can you refer to the product(s) as a draft to allow you the freedom to at least get it out of your computer?
- Can you sort out compliance/law and the art of writing IEPs? Call out what “has to be” and what “can be”…
Session 6
Quick video on how to prepare for Session 6
[video_player type=”youtube” style=”1″ dimensions=”560×315″ width=”560″ height=”315″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″ ipad_color=”black”]aHR0cHM6Ly95b3V0dS5iZS9PNEZ4U2dIczBmYw==[/video_player]
- Develop your “Scaffolding for Success Pledge” and post to FB at any time. It can also be part of your “talk story”. What you post should be the actual pledge, which can be a picture or just text. When you post, let me know if I have your permission (with or without your name) to share with other Mastermind cohorts and Jonathan Fields. It can be shared without your name.
- Prepare your “talk story”, which is designed to depict your journey to date. Be sure to think about your emotional intelligence, what it means to you to be a leader, and where you see your ideal self in 10 years from now.
What you'll need and/or things mentioned in the video:
- Guidebook (page 8 and 18-20)
- Jonathan's podcast [link] shorter print only version [link]
- 20-30 minutes (minimum) to prepare your pledge and talk story
- One example (scroll to bottom of this page for Hattie's Talk Story)
- Gretchen Ruben's four tendencies [link]
Recording of Session 6
Resources shared/mentioned in Session 6
- Perfection Detox:
- Interview between Jonathan Fields and Petra Kolber [link]
- Girl Stop Apologizing:
- Leslie's blog post on teaching self control instead of humiliation:
Mastermind Journey Survey [link]