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Your Co-Teachers


A highly sought-after speaker, accomplished author, and educators’ educator. Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak began her career as an early interventionist and then spent 16 years as a tenured professor at Kent State University. Since 2013 she has followed her true passion for designing and delivering transformative professional development. As a result, she has accumulated over 50,000 hours of helping educators and leaders work from a place of compassion, hope, and love in locations from Cincinnati to Singapore.


A best selling author, inspiring speaker, and inclusion advocate, Dr. Julie Causton began her career as an educator and then 14 years as a tenured professor at Syracuse University. In 2012 she founded Inclusive Schooling, a premiere company solely devoted to delivering professional development which transforms schools and lives. She has spent the past 25 years nearly obsessed with discovering innovative practices and teaching others about inclusive education through her wildly engaging presentations.

CO-Teaching Sessions

Behavior Sessions

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Challenging Behavior: It’s Not What It Seems

Session Description

This session provides early educators with a deeper understanding of the underlying causes and functions of children’s challenging behavior. We help you understand what is happening in the brain, give you strategies for responding to challenging behavior with empathy and compassion, and share ways to empower you to create a safe and nurturing learning environment where children’s underlying needs are addressed. 

Session Handouts

Key PPT slides [pdf]

Case in Point – Lego Activity [video]

What is Stress with Dr. Stuart Shanker [video]

Checklist of Common Stressors [pdf]

10 Ways to Reduce Stressors [pdf]

Teach Before the Peak Resources

Teach Before the Peak short version (3:56) [video]

Teach Before the Peak long version (15:29) [video]

Podcast “Wait for Green Before You Go” (32:37) [audio]

Extending the green zone for children [blog]

Weathering the Storm – short training [video] and tip sheet [pdf]

  • Expanded learning handout [pdf]
  • Escalation stages handout [pdf]

What if they run? [video]

Offering Lifelines [png]

Blog on lifelines [link]