
Things You'll Need Access To On May 31st…

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Google Drive Documents

  • Self-Regulation Rubric [link]
  • Alignment of EBP to SEL Skills [link]
  • EC Stressors [link]

Pre-K Teach & Play Resources


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What to do before?

• Watch videos on Biting Brophy and/or Screaming Sonya. The link to the videos are embedded in the tip sheets, which were designed for parents, but can be used by any loving adult.
• Review tips sheets for Biting Brophy and/or Screaming Sonya. Be prepared to discuss how “Teach Before the Peak” principles apply, what skills the adult needs to successful support a child, and any questions/answers for coaching others through these common challenges

What to bring on 5-31-17

• Computer or tablet (extension cord if needed)
• Things to color and doddle with and journal for self reflection activities
• Earbuds/headphones if you want to listen to a video or audio file
• “Go to resources” (print or digital) related to self-regulation (e.g., SCERTS; Stop, Think, Act; resources from The MEHRIT Centre)[/text_block]

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  • Bonus! Click here to download our NEW Power of Play Ebook – full of inspirational quotes!


April is IEP Makeover Month!

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If you struggle to write IEP goals that help children thrive in school and in life, then I invite you to join a private FB group!

Each week-day in April, I'll be using a time-tested and research-based formula to makeover some of the most challenging IEP goals.

As a community, we'll work to give IEPs for preschoolers a much needed makeover by co-creating goals that are measurable and meaningful!


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]And, if you haven't in the past, you might want to download the FREE Pre-K Teach & Play IEP Toolkit at We'll be using the formula shared in the toolkit as the basis for making over IEP goals.[/text_block]

Coaching Strategies and Andragogical Principles

Resources for supporting adult learners


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Coaching Resources

  • Coaching Strategies and Practices

  • Responding to Challenging Behaviors

  • Developmental and Learning Progressions



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Questions? Ideas?

Contact me:


Kristiepf Symbaloo Main Webmix

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” width=”460″]Updated links 12-22-16: Symbaloo provides a visual organizer of web-based resources on what is called a webmix.
On any given webmix, you’ll find pictures/images called tiles. Each title is a hyperlinked web-based resource, or a hyperlink to a sub-webmix of related resources.
On the KristiePF main webmix, you will find a set of primary tiles related to professional development and learning (e.g., andragogy, five moments of need). Each of these primary tiles takes you to sub-webmix with 100s of additional resources.
Also off the main webmix, you’ll find a tile for my publications and a variety of ways to connect using social media (e.g., YouTube, FaceBook, LinkedIn).
Click here for a handout that helps you navigate my main webmix.[/text_block]

Other Coaching Resources

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]• Asking Honest Open Questions [pdf]
• Transforming Professional Development and Learning [pdf]
• Chapter by Michael BS on Coaching Habits [pdf]
• What's Your What: Sentence Starters [link to blog] [pdf]



Responding to Challenging Behaviors

Resources for supporting children who are struggling with self-regulaiton

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Calming the Chaos Series

• Classroom Series [link]
• Biting Brophy [pdf]
• Screaming Sonya [pdf]
• Parent video series [link][/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Helpful Articles
• How to Handle Bad Behavior – 7 phases [link]
• Supporting Self-Regulation in Children: Tips for Parents  [link][/text_block]
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Other Resources

• PBIS applied to Pre-K by L. Fox & D. Perez Binder [pdf]
• Beyond Treats & Timeouts: Humanistic Behavioral Supports…[pdf]
• It’s Time to Flip Behavior Cards and Charts to STOP! [blog]
• Additional “Teach Before the Peak” [video]
• Shanker Self-Reg website [link]
• Draft notes on weathering the storm [link]
• Behavior tracking sample forms from Barbara Avila

Full behavior sheet sample [google DRIVE link]

Escalation tracking version 1 [google DRIVE link]

Escalation tracking version 2 [google DRIVE link]


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Related Resources to Joining Play:

Co-Constructing Mother–Infant Distress in Face-to-Face Interactions: Contributions of Microanalysis [pdf]
MY JOURNEY IN INFANT RESEARCH AND PSYCHOANALYSIS: Microanalysis, a Social Microscope [pdf]
What is a Secure Attachment? And Why Doesn’t “Attachment Parenting” Get You There?
How to Be a Quiet Adult: Five Tips to Encourage Child-Directed Play [link][/text_block]

Developmental and Learning Progressions

Teaching in the Messy Middle

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Related Blog Posts

• If I Had a Crystal Ball…
• 10 Things You Should Know About Early Development
• Want Children to Learn? Then Maybe We Should Stop Writing Outcomes!
• What Comes Before Counting?



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Related Resources

• Big Ideas for Early Learning Glossary (sample) [pdf]
• Writing Rubric [pdf]
• Self-Regulation Rubric [Google DRIVE]
• Self-Regulation Data Collection Form [pdf]
• Samples of IEP goals (aka things that are IEP worthy) [Google DRIVE]
• Dimensions of behavior [pdf][/text_block]

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Related Videos

• Every Child is a Triangle [video]
• What to teach – common outcomes [video]
• What to teach when children struggle [video]
• What to teach when development has stalled [video]
• TBP Starting with What
• TBP What is IEP Worthy [/text_block]

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RESOURCES related to Graphic Practice


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NOTE: This resource is available in the Pre-K Teach & Play shop for free. As I correct and/or update things, the shop will always have the most current version. Click here and/or share this link with teaching teams


Research articles to support activities like Graphic Practice
• What Preschool Classroom Experiences Are Associated With Whether Children Improve in Visuomotor Integration? [pdf]
• How Are Motor Skills Linked to Children’s School Performance and Academic Achievement? [pdf]
• Contributions of executive function and spatial skills to preschool mathematics achievement [pdf]
• Fine Motor Skills and Executive Function Both Contribute to Kindergarten Achievement [link]


Training video on Graphic Practice [YouTube]
PPT handout to go with training video [pdf]
Graphic practice ideas (source unknown)


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