Grab some of our favorite Inclusion Resources
INCLUSIVE EDUCATION MEANS we no longer accept that separate classrooms, separate schools, and separate lives are in the best interest of any student. Separating people by ability disadvantages everyone. Belonging is a human need. Our educational system, practices, and spaces, need to be reimagined.
INCLUSIVE EDUCATION MEANS every student is valued because of their strengths, gifts, and even challenges. As disability is simply... diversity. Everyone benefits from meaningful participation and opportunities to learn grade level content with diverse peers. We must trust that all students come to us as incredible whole people who do not need to be fixed.
Want our most powerful checklist for ensuring inclusive services?
- Effective strategies to try before even considering a pull-out setting
- Wildly expand your options for student support
- A must-have checklist for every IEP meeting!
- Get everyone thinking outside the box!
- Creative solutions to providing services and supports
- Finally, a common starting place for parents and educators
We’re sharing this game-changer for FREE with you today!
Supercharge your classroom engagement and students motivation
101 Ways to Bring Student Choice into Learning Will Help You To:
- Handout with 101 Ways to Incorporate CHOICE in Learning Because...Choice is the Friend of Inclusion
- Training Video on Choice and Differentiation
- Training Video P.I.G. Grouping Strategy
- Handout with tips for offering choice across learning ways and materials
12 Steps to Closing Life Skills Rooms so you can open possibilities for your students!
We promise every student in your life skills room can experience and achieve much more when included with this free resource:
- Discover the steps to shift staff away from outdated practices
- Explore strategies that honor students' abilities and rights
- Learn about scheduling approaches that prioritize student well-being and academic success
- Empowerment: Equips you with empowering responses to common objections, allowing you to advocate for inclusive education confidently.
- Understanding: Fosters a deeper understanding of the principles behind inclusive education by providing clear explanations and follow-up questions.
- Collaboration: Promotes collaboration between educators and parents by offering effective conversation starters and problem-solving strategies for addressing concerns.
- Positive Change: Challenges misconceptions and provides practical solutions.