Blended Practices for Teaching Young Children in Inclusive Settings, Second Edition
This comprehensive text provides explicit guidance on developing a successful curriculum framework, working effectively with families and other team members, tailoring instruction to each child's individual needs, and embedding learning opportunities that address all children's goals. Teachers will learn from the field's most current research, and they'll get a full continuum of strategies for teaching young children with diverse abilities. Practical information on authentic assessment and data-driven decision-making is also woven throughout the book. Available HERE now!
Book studies are also available for the Blended Practices 2nd Edition. Click here to learn more.
Workbook of Human Superpowers
The Workbook of Human Superpowers is designed to help you dive deep into your own inner magic…and then to foster not only your own superpowers, but those you serve, live with, and work alongside. The workbook combines elements of an adult coloring book with opportunities for contemplative reflection. To order through Amazon, click HERE. Download a single sample page here.
Assessing Young Children in Inclusive Settings
This comprehensive textbook gives early childhood educators a blueprint for successful assessment in the age of inclusion, standards-based education, and accountability. A companion to the bestselling Blended Practices for Teaching Young Children in Inclusive Settings.
This journal, which will be available in both print and PDF formats, aims to encourage a daily practice of journaling, as a means to bring greater awareness to your own “essence” or humanity. Reflecting on, and intentionally working to integrate the positive aspects of your essence, will enable you to bring the best of yourself to your relationships and work — and all of this is good for your health, and the health of those around you.
YEC Monograph 16: Blending Practices for All Children
This monograph provides an opportunity to consider contemporary perspectives on blended practices for all young children served in inclusive settings. Information included in this monograph are supported by evidence based on research and practice and will be immediately useful for practitioners and families.
LINKing Authentic Assessment and Early Childhood Intervention
The only book with professional ratings and reviews of 80 widely used assessment measures for children birth-8, designed to help you select high-quality assessment materials for your early childhood program. This book includes reviews of the Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System, Teaching Strategies GOLD, and the Ages & Stages Questionnaires®.
Blended Practices for Teaching Young Children in Inclusive Settings
Whether they graduate from general education programs, special education programs, or a program that blends both, most early childhood educators will be required to teach children with and without disabilities. This essential text bridges the gap between special and general education, and integrates knowledge about effective practices for teaching young children with and without disabilities.
Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System for Infants and Children (AEPS®), Second Edition, Administration Guide
The AEPS® 2nd edition is a highly respected curriculum-based assessment system designed for use in blended programs serving children from birth to six years. Learn more about this effective formative assessment system, the research behind the AEPS or contact Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak to schedule training for your program.
An Activity-Based Approach to Early Intervention, Third Edition
A classic textbook for preservice professionals and a user-friendly guide for in-service practitioners, An Activity-Based Approach to Early Intervention (ABI) offers a systematic method for assessing young children and helping them reach their goals. Readers will find thorough, research-based information on ABI—an approach already trusted by thousands of professionals—and the strategies they need to use it effectively with children and families.
Frameworks for Response to Intervention in Early Childhood: Description and Implications
This paper was jointly developed by the Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children, the National Association for the Education of Young Children, and the National Head Start Association. The purpose of the joint paper is to define early childhood response-to-intervention frameworks and to promote a broader understanding and discussion of the topic.
Stop Trying to Make Kids “Ready” for Kindergarten
The article explores the U.S.'s current approach to readiness, which has persisted despite repeated calls to address the complexities of readiness (e.g., alleviating the effects of poverty, ensuring quality of early education experiences). Implications of the misguided approach to readiness are also discussed. Free excerpt from SAGE and the Division for Early Childhood's Young Exceptional Children journal.
Three Mistakes Made Worldwide in “Getting Children Ready” for School
An article on the three mistakes and three readiness remedies, published in Young Exceptional Children. The article was co-authored by a world-wide cadre of early education experts.