Teach Before the Peak Mini Series

Looking for the “Teach Before the Peak Mini-Series”? It's now a full online course.

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NEW online course:
Teach Before The Peak Of The Storm


Here you will learn how to build strong relationships to prevent challenging behaviors; how to remain calm and support children when they are flooded with emotion; and how to return to a state where all of you can thrive.
The course is constructed with 9 different sections, is structured so that you can complete each sections in order, and/or select the sections that seem most intriguing, and delivers content in a variety formats to help you understand and apply the content.

• Videos you can watch

• Transcripts and other print materials to read

• Images and tip sheets to print and share


Teaching Self-Regulation Skills


Calm The Chaos Solutions


Meet Barb and Kristie


Want our free eBook?

This eBook is a collection of quotes designed to inspire you to be curious about children's thinking, while guiding them to ignite their Curiosity to You™. 

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