21-Day Online Event for Inspired Pre-K and Elementary Teachers
Click on the video below to learn why we created this 21-day event!
Is this you?
Every day, you wake up early, go through your morning routine, and travel the same route to your classroom.
And with each passing day, you feel less joy, less like your work matters…
Even things you used to enjoy, like unwinding at the end of the day with Pinterest, have lost their appeal.
Now, when you see all those great teaching ideas you just feel overwhelmed and inadequate…like you are never doing enough!
Basically, you’re tired of working from 5 a.m. until 11 p.m., in order to keep up with IEP meetings, statewide testing requirements, transition paperwork, and verification visits.
You are facing so many deadlines, that most days, you aren’t even sure where to begin. In fact, you find yourself thinking more about summer break, and less about how to create effective lessons.
You wish you could get up every morning and feel like you are ready to take on the world, but you feel more like crawling back into bed and pulling the covers over your head.
But what if things could be different?
What if you could wake up feeling energized, more hopeful, and more like your work mattered?
Imagine if you had the tools to create a classroom where everyone is happier, more engaged, and feels more connected.
Creating this type of classroom is not only possible, it is incredibly doable.
Seem to good to be true?
Well, a first step to this new reality is to access three proven strategies to increase your students’ love to learn and your love to teach.
Enter your name and email to receive three proven strategies!
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Looking for more tips and tools that will inspire you?
No problem…along with my colleagues, Dr. Julie Causton and Kate MacLeod, from Inclusive Schooling, I have created a 21-day online event to help pre-K and elementary teachers not only survive…but to thrive!
If we haven’t met before, I’m Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak, and I help inspired educators who desperately want to see all children thrive. I have over 20 years of experience in teaching and supporting early educations, and believe that teachers have one of the most important roles in our society. I also believe that education is the answer to most of the problems we face. Yet, as a whole, we tend to undervalue, under pay, and under support early educators.
I believe we can change that! And one way, is to give early educators access to evidence-based tools and strategies that will help them create happier, more engaging, and more connected classrooms.
As fellow educators, we know the challenges you face, every day, to get up early and push against segregation, standardization, and compliance mandates. We also share your desire for classrooms, which are happier, more engaged, and where we feel more connected to one another.
By implementing the strategies from our 21-day event, you will not only survive the school year, you will thrive with absolute grace.
During the 21-day event, you’ll receive 21 days of practical and fun tips, which you can apply immediately to transform your classroom, and regain your joy and passion for teaching.[/text_block]
Once you register, you’ll have access to all the tips and tools forever.
We’d love for you to join us, because we believe happier teachers and happier learners, means more inclusive, engaging, and exciting school experiences. It is our hope that this 21-day event will help you capitalize upon your passion for teaching, boost your energy, and renew your commitment to happier inclusive teaching experiences.[/text_block]
What Educators Have To Say About the 21 Day Event
I found this experience to be very useful. I feel more energized and ready to try out new strategies in my classroom
This course helped me to reflect on my practices in and out of the classroom and to look at my teaching from my students' point of view. I feel better equipped to connect with, motivate and engage my students from this point forward.
I loved this experience. I think spending time reflecting on what we do in the classroom was fun and had positive effects for me and my students.
I thought this was very meaningful, and hope more teachers could go through it. It was simple, easy and practical. Very fun and engaging!