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Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak
& Dr. Julie Causton

Your Keynote Presenters

Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak
A highly sought-after speaker, accomplished author, and educators’ educator. Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak began her career as an early interventionist and then spent 16 years as a tenured professor at Kent State University. Since 2013 she has followed her true passion for designing and delivering transformative professional development. As a result, she has accumulated over 50,000 hours of helping educators and leaders work from a place of compassion, hope, and love in locations from Cincinnati to Singapore.
Dr. Julie Causton
A best selling author, inspiring speaker, and inclusion advocate, Dr. Julie Causton began her career as an educator and then 14 years as a tenured professor at Syracuse University. In 2012 she founded Inclusive Schooling, a premiere company solely devoted to delivering professional development which transforms schools and lives. She has spent the past 25 years nearly obsessed with discovering innovative practices and teaching others about inclusive education through her wildly engaging presentations.
KEYNOTE & Workshop Resources
Belonging from the Beginning: Inclusive Early Care and Education
- Key PPT [pdf]
- Definition of inclusion [pdf] (English and Spanish versions available – see further down on your dashboard)
- Transition to an equity lens [pdf]
- Three Mistakes Made Worldwide in “Getting Children Ready” for School [pdf]
- Selected Annotated Resources Regarding Building Relationships [link]
- 101 Ways to Incorporate Choice in Learning [pdf]
Joyful and Differentiated Instruction for Diverse Early Learners (AM)
- Key PPT [pdf]
- Read and watch about how to “rock the range” of learners [blog and video– 44:31]
- Paraprofessional Ladder of Support [link to request]
- 101 Ways to Incorporate Choice in Learning [pdf]
- Working Ways Menu [pdf]
- Classroom Clean Sweep [pdf]
- Self-Correcting Materials Pinterest Board [link]
- Tic Tac Toe [pdf]
- One Teach/One Make Multi-Sensory [pdf]
- Because of Oliver [video– 7:04]
The Way to Inclusion: Belonging from the Beginning (PM)
- Key PPT [pdf]
- The Way to Inclusion sample chapters [pdf]
- The Way to Inclusion [link]
- Access to all the resources from The Way to Inclusion [link]
- Inclusive System Change Cycle handout [pdf]
- Inclusive System Change Path [pdf]
- Definition of inclusion [pdf] (English and Spanish versions available – see further down on your dashboard)
- Transition to an equity lens [pdf]
- Elementary Reform & Outcome Data [pdf]
- Inclusive System Scheduling Process [pdf]
- Inclusive Structural and Instructional Practices Self-Assessment
- [pdf]
- [Google Drive]
- One Teach/One Make Multi-Sensory [pdf]
- Access Points for Common Activities [pdf]
- 100 Ways to Adapt Anything
- 20 Ways to Provide Invisible or Silent Support [pdf]
- Reactive vs. Ready Brain [pdf]
- Inclusive Schooling Shop [link]
- 12 Ways to Carve out Time for PD [pdf]
- 10 Ways School Leaders Can Shift Mindsets towards Inclusion [pdf]

Morning Session Co-Presenter – Otto Lana
- Connect with Otto on Instagram
- Article to get to know Otto
- Website: MOD Squad 4 Access
- Youtube: MOD Squad on Youtube
- Instagram: @modsquad4access

INCLUSIVE EDUCATION MEANS we no longer accept that separate classrooms, separate schools, and separate lives are in the best interest of any student. Separating people by ability disadvantages everyone. Belonging is a human need. Our educational system, practices, and spaces, need to be reimagined.
INCLUSIVE EDUCATION MEANS every student is valued because of their strengths, gifts, and even challenges. As disability is simply… diversity. Everyone benefits from meaningful participation and opportunities to learn grade level content with diverse peers. We must trust that all students come to us as incredible whole people who do not need to be fixed.

Disabled/Non-Disabled – Eligible/Not Eligible. Let’s stop drawing lines between our youngest learners. What if we simply included and supported EVERY child starting on day one of pre-school! What if we drew a simple line around all of our youngest learners and taught and supported them ALL together?
This amazing professional development package is EVERYTHING you need to equip your early childhood providers to understand what inclusion looks like from the start. As a result of this PD, they will learn HOW to include every learner (even those with complex support needs) through co-teaching, supporting big emotions and embedding skills during play and SO much more!
Join the Circle

A dynamic series comprising 10 videos and 100s of resources for educational leaders committed to fostering inclusive schools. Derived from the bestselling book “The Way to Inclusion,” these Bytes offer a concise yet comprehensive exploration of inclusive leadership principles.
From defining inclusive education and assessing school inclusivity, to navigating mindset shifts and providing lifelines during challenging times, Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak and Dr. Julie Causton provide you and your team with actionable insights.
I want notified!
A comprehensive and engaging introduction to inclusion…even for skeptics. Gain immediate access to a compelling 90 minute presentation by Dr. Julie Causton and Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak that delves into the what, why, and how of inclusive education. This includes a treasure trove of bonus videos, tools, tips, and links to evidence-based resources.
It's a mindset shift and a collective journey towards creating schools where diversity is celebrated, and every student thrives in the general education classroom.
Inclusion Awaits: Start Now
Let’s talk about fully preparing your entire teaching staff (Pre-K-12) to include ALL students! Go from inclusion being a dirty word — to inclusion being a fully supported concept and practice that is embraced by ALL staff!
We’ve packaged up the 20 most powerful strategies related to co-teaching, differentiation, meeting IEP goals in general education, and behavior that every teacher must know to support the beautiful range of diverse students in our schools!.