Day 4 Schedule

All times in Eastern Time Zone.

August 6 – Livestream Presentations

All times in Eastern Time Zone. Click here for a time zone converter.

Dr. Julie Causton

CEO, Inclusive Schooling

Title: District Support – How to turn the SLI into your PD for the next few years, Action planning and next steps, Future PD opportunities (book clubs, coaching, more on-demand)

Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak

ECE Consultant

Title: District Support – How to turn the SLI into your PD for the next few years, Action planning and next steps, Future PD opportunities (book clubs, coaching, more on-demand)

Dr. Jenna Mancini Rufo

Assistant Superintendent

Title: Best Practices for Inclusive Distance Education: Lessons We're Learning Together (with Guest Panel and Attendees)