“You need to take this course (Teach Adults to Get Results) because it helps you to see how other adults learn and receive information. Change is hard on everyone but it is how you present the change that makes the difference.” Lisa Leslie, Littleton public schools, The Village at Ames, Preschool Teacher
- Teaching the whole adult learner
- Creating communities of learning
- Getting to implementation
- Raising our collective emotional intelligence
- IEP worthy goals
- Difference, delay, or disability
- Identifying accurate criteria
- What to do when children struggle
“This class (Writing Meaningful IEPs) gives you amazing tools and the opportunity to interact with colleagues to write goals that are really meeting children's needs.” Peggy Daugherty, Grant Wood AEA/Early Childhood Special Education Consultant
Have questions? Let me answer them for you!
Why do I need to apply?
Only 10 committed and well matched participants are allowed to participate in a given Deep Dive session. Such a design provides personalized attention and high levels of accountability.
What is a Deep Dive?
Unlike other courses or events, a Deep Dive is designed to do three things: 1) provide rich content to extend previous learning, 2) ensure personalized learning opportunities, and 3) create a support and accountability network. A Deep Dive Master Class teaches you new techniques and how to modify them for your ever changing reality.
What is the format?
Each Deep Dive Master Class consists of four live weekly sessions conducted using ZOOM. Each session lasts for 75 minutes and includes expert training and mentoring from Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak, opportunities for “fish bowl” Q&As with other participants, and dedicated time for implementation planning and results tracking.
What is the cost?
If accepted, your Deep Dive Master Class investment is $425.00. You can pay by credit card or through a purchase order.
When are they offered?
Applications are being accepted now! Once admitted you'll have a chance to review and pick dates that work for you to participate in one or more Deep Dive Master Classes.
What is the time commitment?
The more time you are able to commit, the more you will get to a change in practice. At a minimum, you will need to clear your calendar for live 75 minutes sessions. There will be additional opportunities to engage in flipped learning and to receive ongoing support from members of a private FB community.
What do I need to participate?
All sessions conducted via ZOOM, which allows for live audio, video, and desktop sharing. You will need a strong internet connection, a webcam, and a headset or earbuds.