The Hidden Cost of Relying Too Much on Paras

The Hidden Cost of Relying Too Much on Paras

When school administrators hear the phrase, “We just need one more paraprofessional,” it's usually coming from a good place. Teachers want to give students the best support possible, and adding another para could be the solution. However, as Dr. Kristie...
Magic Phrases to Revolutionize Your Meetings

Magic Phrases to Revolutionize Your Meetings

Meetings are an essential part of any educational environment, especially for inclusive educators and administrators. They provide a platform for collaboration, problem-solving, and decision-making. However, without the right communication strategies, meetings can...
Creating Inclusive Classrooms Through Choice

Creating Inclusive Classrooms Through Choice

Invisible choices are all around us, often hidden by forces that would rather we didn’t think about them. And it’s usually easier to simply look the other way. But they’re still choices. – Seth Godin Every day, educators make thousands of decisions (consciously...